
idealect offers immersive workshops and custom-designed learning experiences to help people and organizations build equity through action and innovation. These trainings are ideal for organizations who have a solid baseline of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) knowledge and vocabulary and who want to move from conversations to strategic, effective action. If you're interested in any of our current workshop offerings, or if you want to create a custom-tailored experience for your group, we'd love to hear from you.


Ally Action Plan Workshop

"What do I do?" This question comes up for almost everyone on an allyship journey. The sheer abundance of inequities and the number of ways to be an ally (and mess up as an ally) can be paralyzing. This workshop helps allies, wherever they are on their journey, develop a strategic framework, build ally skills, and map out a plan for effective ally action. Participation in this workshop needs to be voluntary.

Introduction to Design Thinking Workshop

ally skills SERIES

Being an effective ally in diverse situations takes time, knowledge, and practice. This highly interactive workshop gives allies strategies and ideas for acting effectively and opportunities to think about, talk through, and practice allyship in a number of realistic scenarios. Participants will gain new insights, skills, and experience in navigating challenging situations. Participation in this workshop needs to be voluntary.


equity-centered design workshop

Equity Centered Design is an innovation approach that evolved from Human-Centered Design (HCD) in response to the need to better tailor traditional HCD approaches for work on systemic problems that afflict vulnerable communities. ECD uses systemic analysis, deep community engagement, and co-creation to generate novel, sustainable approaches to systemic problems. This workshop teaches the fundamentals of ECD and gives participants tools and skills to apply ECD in their organization and work.


Design Thinking Workshop

Design Thinking is a popular innovation approach used in experience, product, and service design. It offers a strategic framework for approaching problems and a deep, diverse toolkit to tailor the approach to various circumstances. This fast-paced, hands-on experience immerses participants in the Design Thinking process and teaches useful skills for applying Design Thinking in their own organization.



Learn about workshops and events


Want to learn about upcoming workshops or inquire about a custom experience? Please fill out this form, so we can get in touch.